Dos And Don’ts Of Trade Show Lighting

Depending on the lighting, a great first impression may be made or ruined on the trade show floor. Attendees might discover a clashing tone or a dimly lit space off-putting, but a warm, welcoming booth with vibrant illumination serves as a warm invitation to learn more.

The Trade Show Booths advises keeping these trade show lighting do’s and don’ts in mind to attract guests’ attention and make your content stand out.

Dos and don’ts of trade show lighting


  1. Try backlighting

Backlighting, a technique that includes hiding lights behind fabric panels, within signs, or inside frames, is one of the most attractive trade show lighting trends. The popularity of backlighting continues to rise as a result of how effectively it highlights 3D logos, fabric designs, and other components.

  1. Use LED stem lights.

At trade exhibitions, you likely noticed metal arm light fixtures attached to the top of booth walls or displays. These wall washer lights, referred to as stem lights, have become essential at trade shows. While most of these lighting uses halogen bulbs, which produce a lot of warmth and often deteriorate the colors and graphics they are intended to illuminate, this is still an issue. These keep lower temperatures, consume less energy, and have a greater lifespan, which makes them preferable for lighting displays.

  1. Invest in lights for the long term.

One common misunderstanding is that LED trade show lighting is typically a bit more expensive initially. You might still be able to get the desired lighting effect if you use a cheaper fluorescent light bar or light strip. However, when compared with LED lighting, that type of lighting does not offer comparable clarity or durability.

You could achieve long-term savings by investing in energy-efficient LED lighting. Additionally, LEDs may last up to 25 times more than incandescent lights, saving you money on replacement costs.

  1. Set the appropriate color tone.

Your brand’s image will be strengthened and enhanced to a great degree by selecting the appropriate color tone for your trade show lighting.

The yellow-hued illumination that incandescent lights commonly emit can soften elements or change colors. LEDs provide a greater ability to select a tone that fits the environment that you want to create, thanks to their wide range of color temperatures.


  1. Using excessive color-changing lighting.

Color-changing lights are currently used behind 3D logos, displays, and check-in counters. Do not go overboard and cover everything in color-changing lights or excessively vibrant decorations.

  1. Forgetting the value of making an experience 

Design your trade show lighting according to the environment you want to create in the booth. Using lighting to provide visitors a great, memorable experience at your booth is far more significant than simply putting all your bullet points on a wall.

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